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Our Goal

At KooKeeCutters we want to supply the best quality baking supplies we can provide. We have spent a long time perfecting the design and manufacturing process so we can give the baking community the best quality products.

Our History

For many years I have loved building and designing things. When I got my first 3D printer, I had a long list of things I wanted to print, design and improve.

After spending far too long tinkering and tweaking I wanted to start using my 3D printer for more than cool little trinkets now crowding my office.

Enter Gem, she is a good friend of my Wife and I. More importantly she is a master baker. She wanted custom cookie cutters to use with her baking. A lot of the cutters she had previously purchased came from overseas and had high shipping prices or were very poor quality.

After much trial and error, testing, baking, and eating the test cookies we finally had a few cutters for Gem to us.

It wasn’t long before our other friend LoLo – Also a master baker wanted cutters for her baking.

Then before long another friend Kelly an amazing jewellery maker asked if we could make our cutters smaller and use them for polymer clay. It was a challenge making the cutters so small, but it was worth the effort.

The rest of the story would be cliché. So here we are making more and more custom cutters to the highest quality we can make.

Find out about KooKee Creative and our story

Our Team

Ashley Hay-Ellis: Owner, Maker, Idea guy, Husband

Owner, Maker, Idea guy, Husband

Ashley Hay-Ellis

I started off in IT but after 12 years decided to have a change of pace. Now Charmi and I spend our time, designing, printing, and testing cutters for those who make and those who bake! It’s been amazing to combine a hobby which I love 3D printing, my love of making things and a business.

Charmian Hay-Ellis: Owner, Designer, Photographer, Wife

Owner, Designer, Photographer, Wife

Charmian Hay-Ellis

I try to keep Ash on track and ensure he doesn’t get too distracted with creating something new before he's finished the first thing.Aside from that I look after everything else. Design cutters, photographing new products and helping with the post and packaging of orders.

Environmental Impact

We try to be as environmentally friendly as possible in all areas of our business. Our goal is one planet living.

When it comes to our choice of printing materials we use biodegradable PLA, and water washable bio resin. This reduces chemicals and waste that can harm the environment from our products and the manufacturing process.

When it comes to our packaging we use fully recyclable packaging materials, this includes the tape, the box, and the shredded paper. Where possible we try to buy recycled packaging.

Even our electricity supply at the office and home comes from 100% renewable energy sources.

We're always trying to reduce our carbon footprint. If you can help us improve that please reach out and let us know.

Environmental Impact